diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 6ed5058..e85e554 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -172,6 +172,17 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "async-recursion"
+version = "1.0.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "2cda8f4bcc10624c4e85bc66b3f452cca98cfa5ca002dc83a16aad2367641bea"
+dependencies = [
+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "syn",
 name = "async-std"
 version = "1.11.0"
@@ -587,6 +598,7 @@ version = "0.1.0"
 dependencies = [
+ "async-recursion",
diff --git a/src/ship/items/actions.rs b/src/ship/items/actions.rs
index 49c9c7f..10af797 100644
--- a/src/ship/items/actions.rs
+++ b/src/ship/items/actions.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ use crate::ship::items::state::{ItemState, ItemStateProxy, ItemStateAction, Item
 use crate::ship::items::apply_item::apply_item;
 use crate::entity::item::{ItemDetail, NewItemEntity, TradeId};
 use crate::entity::item::tool::Tool;
-use crate::entity::item::weapon::WeaponModifier;
 use crate::entity::item::ItemModifier;
 use crate::ship::shops::ShopItem;
 use crate::ship::trade::TradeItem;
diff --git a/src/ship/items/apply_item.rs b/src/ship/items/apply_item.rs
index 1028ed7..ce4a701 100644
--- a/src/ship/items/apply_item.rs
+++ b/src/ship/items/apply_item.rs
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 use thiserror::Error;
-use std::convert::TryFrom;
 use std::convert::TryInto;
 use crate::entity::gateway::{EntityGateway, GatewayError};
 use crate::entity::character::CharacterEntity;
 use crate::entity::item::mag::{MagCell, MagCellError};
 use crate::entity::item::tool::ToolType;
 use crate::entity::item::{ItemDetail, ItemEntityId};
-use crate::ship::items::state::{ItemStateProxy, InventoryState, InventoryItem, InventoryItemDetail, ItemStateError};
+use crate::ship::items::state::{ItemStateProxy, InventoryItem, InventoryItemDetail, ItemStateError};
 #[derive(Error, Debug)]
diff --git a/src/ship/items/bank.rs b/src/ship/items/bank.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index dab026f..0000000
--- a/src/ship/items/bank.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-use crate::ship::items::ClientItemId;
-use libpso::character::character;//::InventoryItem;
-use crate::entity::item::{ItemEntityId, ItemEntity, ItemDetail, BankEntity, BankItemEntity, BankName};
-use crate::entity::character::CharacterEntityId;
-use crate::entity::item::tool::Tool;
-use crate::ship::items::inventory::{InventoryItemHandle, InventoryItem};
-const BANK_CAPACITY: usize = 200;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct IndividualBankItem {
-    pub entity_id: ItemEntityId,
-    pub item_id: ClientItemId,
-    pub item: ItemDetail,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct StackedBankItem {
-    pub entity_ids: Vec<ItemEntityId>,
-    pub item_id: ClientItemId,
-    pub tool: Tool,
-impl StackedBankItem {
-    pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
-        self.entity_ids.len()
-    }
-    pub fn take_entity_ids(&mut self, amount: usize) -> Option<Vec<ItemEntityId>> {
-        if amount <= self.count() {
-            Some(self.entity_ids.drain(..amount).collect())
-        }
-        else {
-            None
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum BankItem {
-    Individual(IndividualBankItem),
-    Stacked(StackedBankItem),
-impl std::cmp::PartialEq for BankItem {
-    fn eq(&self, other: &BankItem) -> bool {
-        let mut self_bytes = [0u8; 4];
-        let mut other_bytes = [0u8; 4];
-        self_bytes.copy_from_slice(&self.as_client_bytes()[0..4]);
-        other_bytes.copy_from_slice(&other.as_client_bytes()[0..4]);
-        let self_value = u32::from_be_bytes(self_bytes);
-        let other_value = u32::from_be_bytes(other_bytes);
-        self_value.eq(&other_value)
-    }
-impl std::cmp::Eq for BankItem {}
-impl std::cmp::PartialOrd for BankItem {
-    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &BankItem) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
-        //let self_bytes = self.as_client_bytes();
-        //let other_bytes = other.as_client_bytes();
-        let mut self_bytes = [0u8; 4];
-        let mut other_bytes = [0u8; 4];
-        self_bytes.copy_from_slice(&self.as_client_bytes()[0..4]);
-        other_bytes.copy_from_slice(&other.as_client_bytes()[0..4]);
-        let self_value = u32::from_be_bytes(self_bytes);
-        let other_value = u32::from_be_bytes(other_bytes);
-        self_value.partial_cmp(&other_value)
-    }
-impl std::cmp::Ord for BankItem {
-    fn cmp(&self, other: &BankItem) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
-        //let self_bytes = self.as_client_bytes();
-        //let other_bytes = other.as_client_bytes();
-        let mut self_bytes = [0u8; 4];
-        let mut other_bytes = [0u8; 4];
-        self_bytes.copy_from_slice(&self.as_client_bytes()[0..4]);
-        other_bytes.copy_from_slice(&other.as_client_bytes()[0..4]);
-        let self_value = u32::from_le_bytes(self_bytes);
-        let other_value = u32::from_le_bytes(other_bytes);
-        self_value.cmp(&other_value)
-    }
-impl BankItem {
-    pub fn set_item_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId) {
-        match self {
-            BankItem::Individual(individual_bank_item) => {
-                individual_bank_item.item_id = item_id
-            },
-            BankItem::Stacked(stacked_bank_item) => {
-                stacked_bank_item.item_id = item_id
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn item_id(&self) -> ClientItemId {
-        match self {
-            BankItem::Individual(individual_bank_item) => {
-                individual_bank_item.item_id
-            },
-            BankItem::Stacked(stacked_bank_item) => {
-                stacked_bank_item.item_id
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn as_client_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
-        match self {
-            BankItem::Individual(item) => {
-                match &item.item {
-                    ItemDetail::Weapon(w) => w.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Armor(a) => a.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Shield(s) => s.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Unit(u) => u.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Tool(t) => t.as_individual_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::TechniqueDisk(d) => d.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Mag(m) => m.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::ESWeapon(e) => e.as_bytes(),
-                }
-            },
-            BankItem::Stacked(item) => {
-                item.tool.as_stacked_bytes(item.entity_ids.len())
-            },
-        }
-    }
-pub struct BankItemHandle<'a> {
-    bank: &'a mut CharacterBank,
-    index: usize
-impl<'a> BankItemHandle<'a> {
-    pub fn item(&'a self) -> Option<&'a BankItem> {
-        self.bank.items.get(self.index)
-    }
-    pub fn item_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut BankItem> {
-        self.bank.items.get_mut(self.index)
-    }
-    pub fn remove_from_bank(self) {
-        self.bank.items.remove(self.index);
-    }
-pub struct CharacterBank {
-    item_id_counter: u32,
-    items: Vec<BankItem>
-impl CharacterBank {
-    pub fn new(mut items: Vec<BankItem>) -> CharacterBank {
-        items.sort();
-        CharacterBank {
-            item_id_counter: 0,
-            items,
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn initialize_item_ids(&mut self, base_item_id: u32) {
-        for (i, item) in self.items.iter_mut().enumerate() {
-            item.set_item_id(ClientItemId(base_item_id + i as u32));
-        }
-        self.item_id_counter = base_item_id + self.items.len() as u32 + 1;
-    }
-    pub fn get_item_handle_by_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId) -> Option<BankItemHandle> {
-        let (index, _) = self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .find(|(_, item)| {
-                item.item_id() == item_id
-            })?;
-        Some(BankItemHandle {
-            bank: self,
-            index,
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn as_client_bank_items(&self) -> character::Bank {
-        self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .fold(character::Bank::default(), |mut bank, (slot, item)| {
-                bank.item_count = (slot + 1) as u32;
-                let bytes = item.as_client_bytes();
-                bank.items[slot].data1.copy_from_slice(&bytes[0..12]);
-                bank.items[slot].data2.copy_from_slice(&bytes[12..16]);
-                bank.items[slot].item_id = item.item_id().0;
-                bank
-            })
-    }
-    pub fn as_client_bank_request(&self) -> Vec<character::BankItem> {
-        self.items.iter()
-            .map(|item| {
-                let bytes = item.as_client_bytes();
-                let mut data1 = [0; 12];
-                let mut data2 = [0; 4];
-                data1.copy_from_slice(&bytes[0..12]);
-                data2.copy_from_slice(&bytes[12..16]);
-                let amount = match item {
-                    BankItem::Individual(_individual_bank_item) => {
-                        1
-                    },
-                    BankItem::Stacked(stacked_bank_item) => {
-                        stacked_bank_item.count()
-                    },
-                };
-                character::BankItem {
-                    data1,
-                    data2,
-                    item_id: item.item_id().0,
-                    amount: amount as u16,
-                    flags: 1,
-                }
-            })
-            .collect()
-    }
-    pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
-        self.items.len()
-    }
-    pub fn deposit_item(&mut self, mut inventory_item: InventoryItemHandle, amount: usize) -> Option<&BankItem> {
-        let remove = match inventory_item.item_mut()? {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) => {
-                if self.items.len() >= BANK_CAPACITY {
-                    return None
-                }
-                self.items.push(BankItem::Individual(IndividualBankItem {
-                    entity_id: individual_inventory_item.entity_id,
-                    item_id: individual_inventory_item.item_id,
-                    item: individual_inventory_item.item.clone(),
-                }));
-                true
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) => {
-                let existing_bank_item = self.items.iter_mut()
-                    .find_map(|item| {
-                        if let BankItem::Stacked(stacked_bank_item) = item {
-                            if stacked_bank_item.tool == stacked_inventory_item.tool {
-                                return Some(stacked_bank_item)
-                            }
-                        }
-                        None
-                    });
-                match existing_bank_item {
-                    Some(stacked_bank_item) => {
-                        if stacked_bank_item.count() + stacked_inventory_item.count() > stacked_inventory_item.tool.max_stack() {
-                            return None
-                        }
-                        let mut deposited_entity_ids = stacked_inventory_item.take_entity_ids(amount)?;
-                        stacked_bank_item.entity_ids.append(&mut deposited_entity_ids);
-                    }
-                    None => {
-                        if self.items.len() >= BANK_CAPACITY {
-                            return None
-                        }
-                        let deposited_entity_ids = stacked_inventory_item.take_entity_ids(amount)?;
-                        self.item_id_counter += 1;
-                        self.items.push(BankItem::Stacked(StackedBankItem {
-                            entity_ids: deposited_entity_ids,
-                            item_id: ClientItemId(self.item_id_counter),
-                            tool: stacked_inventory_item.tool,
-                        }))
-                    }
-                }
-                stacked_inventory_item.count() == 0
-            }
-        };
-        if remove {
-            inventory_item.remove_from_inventory();
-        }
-        self.items.last()
-    }
-    pub fn as_bank_entity(&self, _character_id: &CharacterEntityId, _bank_name: &BankName) -> BankEntity {
-        BankEntity {
-            items: self.items.iter()
-                .map(|item| {
-                    match item {
-                        BankItem::Individual(item) => {
-                            BankItemEntity::Individual(ItemEntity {
-                                id: item.entity_id,
-                                item: item.item.clone(),
-                            })
-                        },
-                        BankItem::Stacked(items) => {
-                            BankItemEntity::Stacked(items.entity_ids.iter()
-                                                    .map(|id| {
-                                                        ItemEntity {
-                                                            id: *id,
-                                                            item: ItemDetail::Tool(items.tool)
-                                                        }
-                                                    })
-                                                    .collect())
-                        },
-                    }
-                })
-                .collect()
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/ship/items/floor.rs b/src/ship/items/floor.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f2720c0..0000000
--- a/src/ship/items/floor.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-use crate::ship::items::ClientItemId;
-use crate::entity::item::{ItemEntityId, ItemDetail};
-use crate::entity::item::Meseta;
-use crate::entity::item::tool::Tool;
-use crate::ship::map::MapArea;
-use crate::ship::items::inventory::{IndividualInventoryItem, StackedInventoryItem, InventoryItemHandle};
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct IndividualFloorItem {
-    pub entity_id: ItemEntityId,
-    pub item_id: ClientItemId,
-    pub item: ItemDetail,
-    pub map_area: MapArea,
-    pub x: f32,
-    pub y: f32,
-    pub z: f32,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct StackedFloorItem {
-    pub entity_ids: Vec<ItemEntityId>,
-    pub item_id: ClientItemId,
-    pub tool: Tool,
-    pub map_area: MapArea,
-    pub x: f32,
-    pub y: f32,
-    pub z: f32,
-impl StackedFloorItem {
-    pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
-        self.entity_ids.len()
-    }
-    pub fn as_client_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
-        self.tool.as_stacked_bytes(self.count())
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct MesetaFloorItem {
-    pub item_id: ClientItemId,
-    pub meseta: Meseta,
-    pub map_area: MapArea,
-    pub x: f32,
-    pub y: f32,
-    pub z: f32,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum FloorItem {
-    Individual(IndividualFloorItem),
-    Stacked(StackedFloorItem),
-    Meseta(MesetaFloorItem),
-impl FloorItem {
-    pub fn item_id(&self) -> ClientItemId {
-        match self {
-            FloorItem::Individual(individual_floor_item) => {
-                individual_floor_item.item_id
-            },
-            FloorItem::Stacked(stacked_floor_item) => {
-                stacked_floor_item.item_id
-            },
-            FloorItem::Meseta(meseta_floor_item) => {
-                meseta_floor_item.item_id
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn x(&self) -> f32 {
-        match self {
-            FloorItem::Individual(individual_floor_item) => {
-                individual_floor_item.x
-            },
-            FloorItem::Stacked(stacked_floor_item) => {
-                stacked_floor_item.x
-            },
-            FloorItem::Meseta(meseta_floor_item) => {
-                meseta_floor_item.x
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn y(&self) -> f32 {
-        match self {
-            FloorItem::Individual(individual_floor_item) => {
-                individual_floor_item.y
-            },
-            FloorItem::Stacked(stacked_floor_item) => {
-                stacked_floor_item.y
-            },
-            FloorItem::Meseta(meseta_floor_item) => {
-                meseta_floor_item.y
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn z(&self) -> f32 {
-        match self {
-            FloorItem::Individual(individual_floor_item) => {
-                individual_floor_item.z
-            },
-            FloorItem::Stacked(stacked_floor_item) => {
-                stacked_floor_item.z
-            },
-            FloorItem::Meseta(meseta_floor_item) => {
-                meseta_floor_item.z
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn map_area(&self) -> MapArea {
-        match self {
-            FloorItem::Individual(individual_floor_item) => {
-                individual_floor_item.map_area
-            },
-            FloorItem::Stacked(stacked_floor_item) => {
-                stacked_floor_item.map_area
-            },
-            FloorItem::Meseta(meseta_floor_item) => {
-                meseta_floor_item.map_area
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn as_client_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
-        match self {
-            FloorItem::Individual(individual_floor_item) => {
-                individual_floor_item.item.as_client_bytes()
-            },
-            FloorItem::Stacked(stacked_floor_item) => {
-                stacked_floor_item.as_client_bytes()
-            },
-            FloorItem::Meseta(meseta_floor_item) => {
-                meseta_floor_item.meseta.as_bytes()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-pub struct FloorItemHandle<'a> {
-    floor: &'a mut RoomFloorItems,
-    index: usize,
-impl<'a> FloorItemHandle<'a> {
-    pub fn item(&'a self) -> Option<&'a FloorItem> {
-        self.floor.0.get(self.index)
-    }
-    pub fn remove_from_floor(self) {
-        self.floor.0.remove(self.index);
-    }
-// TODO: floors should keep track of their own item_ids
-#[derive(Debug, Default)]
-pub struct RoomFloorItems(Vec<FloorItem>);
-impl RoomFloorItems {
-    pub fn add_item(&mut self, item: FloorItem) {
-        self.0.push(item);
-    }
-    pub fn remove_item(&mut self, item_id: &ClientItemId) {
-        self.0.retain(|item| item.item_id() != *item_id);
-    }
-    // TODO: &ClientItemId
-    pub fn get_item_by_id(&self, item_id: ClientItemId) -> Option<&FloorItem> {
-        self.0.iter().find(|item| item.item_id() == item_id)
-    }
-    // TODO: &ClientItemId
-    pub fn get_item_handle_by_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId) -> Option<FloorItemHandle> {
-        let index = self.0.iter().position(|item| item.item_id() == item_id)?;
-        Some(FloorItemHandle {
-            floor: self,
-            index,
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn take_item_by_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId) -> Option<FloorItem> {
-        self.0
-            .drain_filter(|i| i.item_id() == item_id)
-            .next()
-    }
-    pub fn drop_individual_inventory_item(&mut self, individual_inventory_item: IndividualInventoryItem, item_drop_location: (MapArea, f32, f32, f32)) -> &IndividualFloorItem {
-        self.0.push(FloorItem::Individual(IndividualFloorItem {
-            entity_id: individual_inventory_item.entity_id,
-            item_id: individual_inventory_item.item_id,
-            item: individual_inventory_item.item,
-            map_area: item_drop_location.0,
-            x: item_drop_location.1,
-            y: item_drop_location.2,
-            z: item_drop_location.3,
-        }));
-        match self.0.last().unwrap() {
-            FloorItem::Individual(item) => item,
-            _ => unreachable!(),
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn drop_stacked_inventory_item(&mut self, stacked_inventory_item: StackedInventoryItem, item_drop_location: (MapArea, f32, f32, f32)) -> &StackedFloorItem {
-        self.0.push(FloorItem::Stacked(StackedFloorItem {
-            entity_ids: stacked_inventory_item.entity_ids,
-            item_id: stacked_inventory_item.item_id,
-            tool: stacked_inventory_item.tool,
-            map_area: item_drop_location.0,
-            x: item_drop_location.1,
-            y: item_drop_location.2,
-            z: item_drop_location.3,
-        }));
-        match self.0.last().unwrap() {
-            FloorItem::Stacked(item) => item,
-            _ => unreachable!(),
-        }
-    }
-    // TODO: Result
-    // TODO: if consumed_item is not a tool items do not get placed back into inventory (should I care?)
-    pub fn drop_partial_stacked_inventory_item(&mut self, inventory_item: InventoryItemHandle, amount: usize, new_item_id: ClientItemId, item_drop_location: (MapArea, f32, f32, f32)) -> Option<&StackedFloorItem> {
-        let consumed_item = inventory_item.consume(amount).ok()?;
-        if let ItemDetail::Tool(tool) = consumed_item.item() {
-            self.0.push(FloorItem::Stacked(StackedFloorItem {
-                entity_ids: consumed_item.entity_ids(),
-                item_id: new_item_id,
-                tool,
-                map_area: item_drop_location.0,
-                x: item_drop_location.1,
-                y: item_drop_location.2,
-                z: item_drop_location.3,
-            }))
-        }
-        else {
-            return None
-        }
-        match self.0.last().unwrap() {
-            FloorItem::Stacked(item) => Some(item),
-            _ => unreachable!(),
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/ship/items/inventory.rs b/src/ship/items/inventory.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index da4c4b0..0000000
--- a/src/ship/items/inventory.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,988 +0,0 @@
-use std::cmp::Ordering;
-use thiserror::Error;
-use libpso::character::character;
-use crate::entity::character::CharacterEntityId;
-use crate::entity::item::{ItemEntityId, ItemDetail, ItemEntity, ItemType, InventoryEntity, InventoryItemEntity, EquippedEntity};
-use crate::entity::item::tool::{Tool, ToolType};
-use crate::entity::item::mag::Mag;
-use crate::entity::item::weapon::Weapon;
-use crate::ship::items::{ClientItemId, BankItem, BankItemHandle, ItemManagerError};
-use crate::ship::items::floor::{IndividualFloorItem, StackedFloorItem};
-use crate::ship::shops::{ShopItem, ArmorShopItem, ToolShopItem, WeaponShopItem};
-const INVENTORY_CAPACITY: usize = 30;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct InventorySlot(pub usize);
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct IndividualInventoryItem {
-    pub entity_id: ItemEntityId,
-    pub item_id: ClientItemId,
-    pub item: ItemDetail,
-impl IndividualInventoryItem {
-    pub fn mag(&self) -> Option<&Mag> {
-        match self.item {
-            ItemDetail::Mag(ref mag) => Some(mag),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn weapon(&self) -> Option<&Weapon> {
-        match self.item {
-            ItemDetail::Weapon(ref weapon) => Some(weapon),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn mag_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Mag> {
-        match self.item {
-            ItemDetail::Mag(ref mut mag) => Some(mag),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct StackedInventoryItem {
-    pub entity_ids: Vec<ItemEntityId>,
-    pub item_id: ClientItemId,
-    pub tool: Tool,
-impl StackedInventoryItem {
-    pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
-        self.entity_ids.len()
-    }
-    pub fn take_entity_ids(&mut self, amount: usize) -> Option<Vec<ItemEntityId>> {
-        if amount <= self.count() {
-            Some(self.entity_ids.drain(..amount).collect())
-        }
-        else {
-            None
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum InventoryItem {
-    Individual(IndividualInventoryItem),
-    Stacked(StackedInventoryItem),
-#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum InventoryItemAddToError {
-    BothAreNotStacked,
-    DifferentTool,
-    ExceedsCapacity,
-#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum InventoryAddError {
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum YesThereIsSpace {
-    NewStack,
-    ExistingStack,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum NoThereIsNotSpace {
-    FullStack,
-    FullInventory,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum SpaceForStack {
-    Yes(YesThereIsSpace),
-    No(NoThereIsNotSpace),
-impl InventoryItem {
-    pub fn entity_ids(&self) -> Vec<ItemEntityId> {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) => {
-                vec![individual_inventory_item.entity_id]
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) => {
-                stacked_inventory_item.entity_ids.clone()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn item_id(&self) -> ClientItemId {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) => {
-                individual_inventory_item.item_id
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) => {
-                stacked_inventory_item.item_id
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn set_item_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId) {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) => {
-                individual_inventory_item.item_id = item_id
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) => {
-                stacked_inventory_item.item_id = item_id
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn item_type(&self) -> ItemType {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) => {
-                individual_inventory_item.item.item_type()
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) => {
-                ItemType::Tool(stacked_inventory_item.tool.tool)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // TOOD: delete?
-    pub fn are_same_stackable_tool(&self, other_stacked_item: &StackedFloorItem) -> bool {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(self_stacked_item) => {
-                self_stacked_item.tool == other_stacked_item.tool
-                    && self_stacked_item.tool.is_stackable() && other_stacked_item.tool.is_stackable()
-            },
-            _ => false
-        }
-    }
-    // TOOD: delete?
-    pub fn can_combine_stacks(&self, other_stacked_item: &StackedFloorItem) -> bool {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(self_stacked_item) => {
-                self_stacked_item.tool == other_stacked_item.tool
-                    && self_stacked_item.tool.is_stackable() && other_stacked_item.tool.is_stackable()
-                    && self_stacked_item.count() + other_stacked_item.count() <= self_stacked_item.tool.max_stack()
-            },
-            _ => false
-        }
-    }
-    // TODO: result
-    // TOOD: delete?
-    pub fn combine_stacks(&mut self, other_stacked_item: &mut StackedFloorItem) {
-        if let InventoryItem::Stacked(self_stacked_item) = self {
-            self_stacked_item.entity_ids.append(&mut other_stacked_item.entity_ids);
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn as_client_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(item) => {
-                match &item.item {
-                    ItemDetail::Weapon(w) => w.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Armor(a) => a.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Shield(s) => s.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Unit(u) => u.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Tool(t) => t.as_individual_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::TechniqueDisk(d) => d.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::Mag(m) => m.as_bytes(),
-                    ItemDetail::ESWeapon(e) => e.as_bytes(),
-                }
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(item) => {
-                item.tool.as_stacked_bytes(item.entity_ids.len())
-            },
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn can_add_to(&mut self, stacked_floor_item: &StackedFloorItem) -> Result<(), InventoryItemAddToError> {
-        if let InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) = self {
-            if stacked_floor_item.tool != stacked_inventory_item.tool {
-                return Err(InventoryItemAddToError::DifferentTool)
-            }
-            if stacked_floor_item.tool.tool.max_stack() < (stacked_floor_item.count() + stacked_inventory_item.count()) {
-                return Err(InventoryItemAddToError::ExceedsCapacity)
-            }
-            Ok(())
-        }
-        else {
-            Err(InventoryItemAddToError::BothAreNotStacked)
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn add_to(&mut self, mut stacked_floor_item: StackedFloorItem) -> Result<(), InventoryItemAddToError> {
-        self.can_add_to(&stacked_floor_item)?;
-        if let InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) = self {
-            stacked_inventory_item.entity_ids.append(&mut stacked_floor_item.entity_ids);
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    pub fn individual(&self) -> Option<&IndividualInventoryItem> {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(ref individual_inventory_item) => Some(individual_inventory_item),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn individual_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut IndividualInventoryItem> {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(ref mut individual_inventory_item) => Some(individual_inventory_item),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn get_sell_price(&self) -> Result<u32, ItemManagerError> {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_item) => {
-                match &individual_item.item {
-                    // TODO: can wrapped items be sold?
-                    ItemDetail::Weapon(w) => {
-                        if !w.tekked {
-                            return Ok(1u32)
-                        }
-                        if w.is_rare_item() {
-                            return Ok(10u32)
-                        }
-                        Ok((WeaponShopItem::from(w).price() / 8) as u32)
-                    },
-                    ItemDetail::Armor(a) => {
-                        if a.is_rare_item() {
-                            return Ok(10u32)
-                        }
-                        Ok((ArmorShopItem::from(a).price() / 8) as u32)
-                    },
-                    ItemDetail::Shield(s) => {
-                        if s.is_rare_item() {
-                            return Ok(10u32)
-                        }
-                        Ok((ArmorShopItem::from(s).price() / 8) as u32)
-                    },
-                    ItemDetail::Unit(u) => {
-                        if u.is_rare_item() {
-                            return Ok(10u32)
-                        }
-                        Ok((ArmorShopItem::from(u).price() / 8) as u32)
-                    },
-                    ItemDetail::Tool(t) => {
-                        if !matches!(t.tool, ToolType::PhotonDrop | ToolType::PhotonSphere | ToolType::PhotonCrystal) && t.is_rare_item() {
-                            return Ok(10u32)
-                        }
-                        Ok((ToolShopItem::from(t).price() / 8) as u32)
-                    },
-                    ItemDetail::TechniqueDisk(d) => {
-                        Ok((ToolShopItem::from(d).price() / 8) as u32)
-                    },
-                    ItemDetail::Mag(_m) => {
-                        Err(ItemManagerError::ItemNotSellable(self.clone()))
-                    },
-                    ItemDetail::ESWeapon(_e) => {
-                        Ok(10u32)
-                    },
-                }
-            },
-            // the number of stacked items sold is handled by the caller. this is just the price of 1
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_item) => {
-                Ok((ToolShopItem::from(&stacked_item.tool).price() / 8) as u32)
-            },
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn stacked(&self) -> Option<&StackedInventoryItem> {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(ref stacked_inventory_item) => Some(stacked_inventory_item),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn stacked_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut StackedInventoryItem> {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(ref mut stacked_inventory_item) => Some(stacked_inventory_item),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn mag(&self) -> Option<&Mag> {
-        match self {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) => individual_inventory_item.mag(),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum InventoryItemConsumeError {
-    InconsistentState,
-    InvalidAmount,
-pub struct IndividualConsumedItem {
-    pub entity_id: ItemEntityId,
-    pub item: ItemDetail,
-pub struct StackedConsumedItem {
-    pub entity_ids: Vec<ItemEntityId>,
-    pub tool: Tool
-pub enum ConsumedItem {
-    Individual(IndividualConsumedItem),
-    Stacked(StackedConsumedItem),
-impl ConsumedItem {
-    pub fn entity_ids(&self) -> Vec<ItemEntityId> {
-        match self {
-            ConsumedItem::Individual(individual_consumed_item) => {
-                vec![individual_consumed_item.entity_id]
-            },
-            ConsumedItem::Stacked(stacked_consumed_item) => {
-                stacked_consumed_item.entity_ids.clone()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn item(&self) -> ItemDetail {
-        match self {
-            ConsumedItem::Individual(individual_consumed_item) => {
-                individual_consumed_item.item.clone()
-            },
-            ConsumedItem::Stacked(stacked_consumed_item) => {
-                ItemDetail::Tool(stacked_consumed_item.tool)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-pub struct InventoryItemHandle<'a> {
-    inventory: &'a mut CharacterInventory,
-    slot: usize,
-impl<'a> InventoryItemHandle<'a> {
-    pub fn item(&'a self) -> Option<&'a InventoryItem> {
-        self.inventory.items.get(self.slot)
-    }
-    pub fn item_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut InventoryItem> {
-        self.inventory.items.get_mut(self.slot)
-    }
-    pub fn remove_from_inventory(self) {
-        self.inventory.items.remove(self.slot);
-    }
-    pub fn consume(self, amount: usize) -> Result<ConsumedItem, InventoryItemConsumeError> {
-        enum RemoveMethod {
-            EntireThing(ConsumedItem),
-            Partial(Tool),
-        }
-        let inventory_item = self.inventory.items.get(self.slot).ok_or(InventoryItemConsumeError::InconsistentState)?;
-        let remove_method = match inventory_item {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) => {
-                RemoveMethod::EntireThing(ConsumedItem::Individual(IndividualConsumedItem {
-                    entity_id: individual_inventory_item.entity_id,
-                    item: individual_inventory_item.item.clone()
-                }))
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) => {
-                match stacked_inventory_item.count().cmp(&amount) {
-                    Ordering::Equal => {
-                        RemoveMethod::EntireThing(ConsumedItem::Stacked(StackedConsumedItem {
-                            entity_ids: stacked_inventory_item.entity_ids.clone(),
-                            tool: stacked_inventory_item.tool,
-                        }))
-                    },
-                    Ordering::Greater => {
-                        RemoveMethod::Partial(stacked_inventory_item.tool)
-                    },
-                    Ordering::Less => {
-                        return Err(InventoryItemConsumeError::InvalidAmount)
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-        };
-        match remove_method {
-            RemoveMethod::EntireThing(consumed_item) => {
-                self.inventory.items.remove(self.slot);
-                Ok(consumed_item)
-            },
-            RemoveMethod::Partial(tool) => {
-                let entity_ids = self.inventory.items.get_mut(self.slot)
-                    .and_then(|item| {
-                        if let InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) = item {
-                            Some(stacked_inventory_item.entity_ids.drain(..amount).collect::<Vec<_>>())
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            None
-                        }
-                    })
-                    .ok_or(InventoryItemConsumeError::InvalidAmount)?;
-                Ok(ConsumedItem::Stacked(StackedConsumedItem {
-                    entity_ids,
-                    tool,
-                }))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn get_slot(&self) -> usize {
-        self.slot
-    }
-pub struct CharacterInventory {
-    item_id_counter: u32,
-    items: Vec<InventoryItem>,
-    equipped: EquippedEntity,
-impl CharacterInventory {
-    pub fn new(items: Vec<InventoryItem>, equipped: &EquippedEntity) -> CharacterInventory {
-        CharacterInventory{
-            item_id_counter: 0,
-            items,
-            equipped: equipped.clone(),
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn initialize_item_ids(&mut self, base_item_id: u32) {
-        for (i, item) in self.items.iter_mut().enumerate() {
-            item.set_item_id(ClientItemId(base_item_id + i as u32));
-        }
-        self.item_id_counter = base_item_id + self.items.len() as u32 + 1;
-    }
-    pub fn as_client_inventory_items(&self) -> [character::InventoryItem; 30] {
-        self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .fold([character::InventoryItem::default(); 30], |mut inventory, (slot, item)| {
-                let bytes = item.as_client_bytes();
-                inventory[slot].data1.copy_from_slice(&bytes[0..12]);
-                inventory[slot].data2.copy_from_slice(&bytes[12..16]);
-                inventory[slot].item_id = item.item_id().0;
-                inventory[slot].equipped = 0;
-                inventory[slot].flags = 0;
-                if let InventoryItem::Individual(individual_item) = item {
-                    if self.equipped.is_equipped(&individual_item.entity_id) {
-                        if let ItemDetail::Unit(_) = individual_item.item {
-                            inventory[slot].data1[4] = self.equipped.unit.iter()
-                                .enumerate()
-                                .find(|(_, u_id)| **u_id == Some(individual_item.entity_id))
-                                .map(|(a, _)| a)
-                                .unwrap_or(0) as u8
-                        }
-                        inventory[slot].equipped = 1;
-                        inventory[slot].flags |= 8;
-                    }
-                }
-                inventory
-            })
-    }
-    pub fn slot(&self, slot: usize) -> Option<&InventoryItem> {
-        self.items.get(slot)
-    }
-    pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
-        self.items.len()
-    }
-    pub fn space_for_individual_item(&self) -> bool {
-        self.count() < INVENTORY_CAPACITY
-    }
-    pub fn space_for_stacked_item(&self, tool: &Tool, amount: usize) -> SpaceForStack {
-        let existing_item = self.items.iter()
-            .filter_map(|item| {
-                match item {
-                    InventoryItem::Stacked(s_item) => {
-                        Some(s_item)
-                    },
-                    _ => None
-                }
-            })
-            .find(|s_item| {
-                s_item.tool == *tool
-            });
-        match existing_item {
-            Some(item) => {
-                if item.count() + amount <= tool.tool.max_stack() {
-                    SpaceForStack::Yes(YesThereIsSpace::ExistingStack)
-                }
-                else {
-                    SpaceForStack::No(NoThereIsNotSpace::FullStack)
-                }
-            }
-            None => {
-                if self.count() < INVENTORY_CAPACITY  {
-                    SpaceForStack::Yes(YesThereIsSpace::NewStack)
-                }
-                else {
-                    SpaceForStack::No(NoThereIsNotSpace::FullInventory)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn stack_item_id(&self, tool: &Tool) -> Option<ClientItemId> {
-        self.items.iter()
-            .filter_map(|item| {
-                match item {
-                    InventoryItem::Stacked(s_item) => {
-                        Some(s_item)
-                    },
-                    _ => None
-                }
-            })
-            .find(|s_item| {
-                s_item.tool == *tool
-            })
-            .map(|item| {
-                item.item_id
-            })
-    }
-    pub fn get_item_handle_by_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId) -> Option<InventoryItemHandle> {
-        let (slot, _) = self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .find(|(_, item)| {
-                item.item_id() == item_id
-            })?;
-        Some(InventoryItemHandle {
-            inventory: self,
-            slot,
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn get_equipped_mag_handle(&mut self) -> Option<InventoryItemHandle> {
-        let (slot, _) = self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .find(|(_, item)| {
-                if let InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) = item {
-                    if let ItemDetail::Mag(_) = &individual_inventory_item.item {
-                        return self.equipped.is_equipped(&individual_inventory_item.entity_id)
-                    }
-                }
-                false
-            })?;
-        Some(InventoryItemHandle {
-            inventory: self,
-            slot,
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn get_equipped_armor_handle(&mut self) -> Option<InventoryItemHandle> {
-        let (slot, _) = self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .find(|(_, item)| {
-                if let InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) = item {
-                    if let ItemDetail::Armor(_) = &individual_inventory_item.item {
-                        return self.equipped.is_equipped(&individual_inventory_item.entity_id)
-                    }
-                }
-                false
-            })?;
-        Some(InventoryItemHandle {
-            inventory: self,
-            slot,
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn get_equipped_shield_handle(&mut self) -> Option<InventoryItemHandle> {
-        let (slot, _) = self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .find(|(_, item)| {
-                if let InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) = item {
-                    if let ItemDetail::Shield(_) = &individual_inventory_item.item {
-                        return self.equipped.is_equipped(&individual_inventory_item.entity_id)
-                    }
-                }
-                false
-            })?;
-        Some(InventoryItemHandle {
-            inventory: self,
-            slot,
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn get_equipped_weapon_handle(&mut self) -> Option<InventoryItemHandle> {
-        let (slot, _) = self.items.iter()
-            .enumerate()
-            .find(|(_, item)| {
-                if let InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item) = item {
-                    if let ItemDetail::Weapon(_) = &individual_inventory_item.item {
-                        return self.equipped.is_equipped(&individual_inventory_item.entity_id)
-                    }
-                }
-                false
-            })?;
-        Some(InventoryItemHandle {
-            inventory: self,
-            slot,
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn get_item_by_id(&self, item_id: ClientItemId) -> Option<&InventoryItem> {
-        self.items.iter()
-            .find(|item| {
-                item.item_id() == item_id
-            })
-    }
-    pub fn take_item_by_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId) -> Option<InventoryItem> {
-        self.items
-            .drain_filter(|i| i.item_id() == item_id)
-            .next()
-    }
-    pub fn take_stacked_item_by_id(&mut self, item_id: ClientItemId, amount: usize) -> Option<StackedInventoryItem> {
-        let idx = self.items
-            .iter_mut()
-            .position(|i| i.item_id() == item_id)?;
-        let item: &mut StackedInventoryItem = self.items.get_mut(idx)?.stacked_mut()?;
-        match item.entity_ids.len().cmp(&amount) {
-            Ordering::Equal => {
-                let item = self.items.remove(idx);
-                item.stacked().cloned()
-            },
-            Ordering::Greater => {
-                let entity_ids = item.entity_ids.drain(..amount).collect();
-                Some(StackedInventoryItem {
-                    entity_ids,
-                    tool: item.tool,
-                    item_id: item.item_id,
-                })
-            },
-            Ordering::Less => {
-                None
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn add_item(&mut self, item: InventoryItem) {
-        self.items.push(item);
-    }
-    pub fn add_stacked_item(&mut self, mut item: StackedInventoryItem) {
-        let existing_item = self.items
-            .iter_mut()
-            .filter_map(|i| {
-                match i {
-                    InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked) => {
-                        Some(stacked)
-                    },
-                    _ => None
-                }
-            })
-            .find(|i| {
-                i.tool == item.tool
-            });
-        match existing_item {
-            Some(existing_item) => {
-                existing_item.entity_ids.append(&mut item.entity_ids)
-            },
-            None => {
-                self.items.push(InventoryItem::Stacked(item))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn add_item_with_new_item_id(&mut self, item: InventoryItem, item_id: ClientItemId) {
-        match item {
-            InventoryItem::Individual(mut individual_inventory_item) => {
-                individual_inventory_item.item_id = item_id;
-                self.add_item(InventoryItem::Individual(individual_inventory_item));
-            },
-            InventoryItem::Stacked(mut stacked_inventory_item) => {
-                stacked_inventory_item.item_id = item_id;
-                self.add_stacked_item(stacked_inventory_item)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn add_individual_floor_item(&mut self, floor_item: &IndividualFloorItem) -> &InventoryItem {
-        self.items.push(InventoryItem::Individual(IndividualInventoryItem {
-            entity_id: floor_item.entity_id,
-            item_id: floor_item.item_id,
-            item: floor_item.item.clone(),
-        }));
-        self.items.last().unwrap()
-    }
-    // TODO: should these pick up functions take floor_item as mut and remove the ids?
-    pub fn pick_up_individual_floor_item(&mut self, floor_item: &IndividualFloorItem) -> Option<(&IndividualInventoryItem, InventorySlot)> {
-        if self.count() >= 30 {
-            return None;
-        }
-        self.items.push(InventoryItem::Individual(IndividualInventoryItem {
-            entity_id: floor_item.entity_id,
-            item_id: floor_item.item_id,
-            item: floor_item.item.clone(),
-        }));
-        if let Some(InventoryItem::Individual(new_item)) = self.items.last() {
-            Some((new_item, InventorySlot(self.count()-1)))
-        }
-        else {
-            None
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn add_stacked_floor_item(&mut self, floor_item: &StackedFloorItem) {
-        let existing_item = self.items.iter_mut()
-            .filter_map(|item| {
-                match item {
-                    InventoryItem::Stacked(s_item) => Some(s_item),
-                    _ => None,
-                }
-            })
-            .find(|item| {
-                item.tool == floor_item.tool
-            });
-        match existing_item {
-            Some(item) => {
-                item.entity_ids.append(&mut floor_item.entity_ids.clone())
-            },
-            None => {
-                self.items.push(InventoryItem::Stacked(StackedInventoryItem {
-                    entity_ids: floor_item.entity_ids.clone(),
-                    item_id: floor_item.item_id,
-                    tool: floor_item.tool,
-                }));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // TODO: can be simplified using find instead of position
-    pub fn pick_up_stacked_floor_item(&mut self, floor_item: &StackedFloorItem) -> Option<(&StackedInventoryItem, InventorySlot)> {
-        let existing_stack_position = self.items.iter()
-            .position(|inventory_item| {
-                if let InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) = inventory_item {
-                    if stacked_inventory_item.tool == floor_item.tool {
-                        return true
-                    }
-                }
-                false
-            });
-        if let Some(existing_stack_position) = existing_stack_position {
-            if let Some(InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_item)) = self.items.get_mut(existing_stack_position) {
-                if stacked_item.count() + floor_item.count() <= stacked_item.tool.max_stack() {
-                    stacked_item.entity_ids.append(&mut floor_item.entity_ids.clone());
-                    Some((stacked_item, InventorySlot(existing_stack_position)))
-                }
-                else {
-                    None
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                None
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            let new_stacked_item = InventoryItem::Stacked(StackedInventoryItem {
-                entity_ids: floor_item.entity_ids.clone(),
-                item_id: floor_item.item_id,
-                tool: floor_item.tool,
-            });
-            self.items.push(new_stacked_item);
-            if let Some(InventoryItem::Stacked(new_item)) = self.items.last() {
-                Some((new_item, InventorySlot(self.count()-1)))
-            }
-            else {
-                None
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn withdraw_item(&mut self, mut bank_item: BankItemHandle, amount: usize) -> Option<(&InventoryItem, usize)> {
-        let (remove, slot) = match bank_item.item_mut()? {
-            BankItem::Individual(individual_bank_item) => {
-                if self.items.len() >= INVENTORY_CAPACITY {
-                    return None
-                }
-                self.items.push(InventoryItem::Individual(IndividualInventoryItem {
-                    entity_id: individual_bank_item.entity_id,
-                    item_id: individual_bank_item.item_id,
-                    item: individual_bank_item.item.clone(),
-                }));
-                (true, self.count()-1)
-            },
-            BankItem::Stacked(stacked_bank_item) => {
-                let existing_inventory_item = self.items.iter_mut()
-                    .enumerate()
-                    .find_map(|(index, item)| {
-                        if let InventoryItem::Stacked(stacked_inventory_item) = item {
-                            if stacked_bank_item.tool == stacked_inventory_item.tool {
-                                return Some((index, stacked_inventory_item))
-                            }
-                        }
-                        None
-                    });
-                let slot = match existing_inventory_item {
-                    Some((slot, stacked_inventory_item)) => {
-                        if stacked_inventory_item.count() + stacked_bank_item.count() > stacked_bank_item.tool.max_stack() {
-                            return None
-                        }
-                        let mut withdrawn_entity_ids = stacked_bank_item.take_entity_ids(amount)?;
-                        stacked_inventory_item.entity_ids.append(&mut withdrawn_entity_ids);
-                        slot
-                    }
-                    None => {
-                        if self.items.len() >= INVENTORY_CAPACITY {
-                            return None
-                        }
-                        let withdrawn_entity_ids = stacked_bank_item.take_entity_ids(amount)?;
-                        self.item_id_counter += 1; // oh no
-                        self.items.push(InventoryItem::Stacked(StackedInventoryItem {
-                            entity_ids: withdrawn_entity_ids,
-                            item_id: ClientItemId(self.item_id_counter),
-                            tool: stacked_bank_item.tool,
-                        }));
-                        self.count()-1
-                    }
-                };
-                (stacked_bank_item.count() == 0, slot)
-            }
-        };
-        if remove {
-            bank_item.remove_from_bank();
-        }
-        self.items.last().map(|item| {
-            (item, slot)
-        })
-    }
-    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &InventoryItem> {
-        self.items.iter()
-    }
-    pub fn items(&self) -> &Vec<InventoryItem> {
-        &self.items
-    }
-    pub fn set_items(&mut self, sorted_items: Vec<InventoryItem>) {
-        self.items = sorted_items;
-    }
-    pub fn remove_by_id(&mut self, id: ClientItemId) -> Option<InventoryItem> {
-        self.items.iter()
-            .position(|i| i.item_id() == id)
-            .map(|position| {
-                self.items.remove(position)
-            })
-    }
-    pub fn equip(&mut self, id: &ClientItemId, equip_slot: u8) {
-        for item in &self.items {
-            if let InventoryItem::Individual(inventory_item) = item {
-                if inventory_item.item_id == *id {
-                    match inventory_item.item {
-                        ItemDetail::Weapon(_) => self.equipped.weapon = Some(inventory_item.entity_id),
-                        ItemDetail::Armor(_) => self.equipped.armor = Some(inventory_item.entity_id),
-                        ItemDetail::Shield(_) => self.equipped.shield = Some(inventory_item.entity_id),
-                        ItemDetail::Unit(_) => {
-                            if let Some(unit) = self.equipped.unit.get_mut(equip_slot as usize) {
-                                *unit = Some(inventory_item.entity_id)
-                            }
-                        }
-                        ItemDetail::Mag(_) => self.equipped.mag = Some(inventory_item.entity_id),
-                        _ => {}
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn unequip(&mut self, id: &ClientItemId) {
-        for item in &self.items {
-            if let InventoryItem::Individual(inventory_item) = item {
-                if inventory_item.item_id == *id {
-                    match inventory_item.item {
-                        ItemDetail::Weapon(_) => self.equipped.weapon = None,
-                        ItemDetail::Armor(_) => {
-                            self.equipped.armor = None;
-                            self.equipped.unit = [None; 4];
-                        }
-                        ItemDetail::Shield(_) => self.equipped.shield = None,
-                        ItemDetail::Unit(_) => {
-                            for unit in self.equipped.unit.iter_mut() {
-                                if *unit == Some(inventory_item.entity_id) {
-                                    *unit = None
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        ItemDetail::Mag(_) => self.equipped.mag = Some(inventory_item.entity_id),
-                        _ => {}
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn as_inventory_entity(&self, _character_id: &CharacterEntityId) -> InventoryEntity {
-        InventoryEntity {
-            items: self.items.iter()
-                .map(|item| {
-                    match item {
-                        InventoryItem::Individual(item) => {
-                            InventoryItemEntity::Individual(ItemEntity {
-                                id: item.entity_id,
-                                item: item.item.clone(),
-                            })
-                        },
-                        InventoryItem::Stacked(items) => {
-                            InventoryItemEntity::Stacked(items.entity_ids.iter()
-                                                         .map(|id| {
-                                                             ItemEntity {
-                                                                 id: *id,
-                                                                 item: ItemDetail::Tool(items.tool)
-                                                             }
-                                                         })
-                                                         .collect())
-                        },
-                    }
-                })
-                .collect()
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn as_equipped_entity(&self) -> EquippedEntity {
-        self.equipped.clone()
-    }
diff --git a/src/ship/items/manager.rs b/src/ship/items/manager.rs
index c7b7fbf..e9251c4 100644
--- a/src/ship/items/manager.rs
+++ b/src/ship/items/manager.rs
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ use crate::ship::packet::handler::trade::{TradeError, OTHER_MESETA_ITEM_ID};
 use crate::ship::items::bank::*;
 use crate::ship::items::floor::*;
 use crate::ship::items::inventory::*;
-use crate::ship::items::use_tool;
 use crate::ship::items::transaction::{ItemTransaction, ItemAction, TransactionError, TransactionCommitError};
 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
diff --git a/src/ship/items/mod.rs b/src/ship/items/mod.rs
index a3956ba..f2a8da1 100644
--- a/src/ship/items/mod.rs
+++ b/src/ship/items/mod.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-mod bank;
-mod floor;
-pub mod inventory;
-pub mod manager;
-pub mod transaction;
-pub mod use_tool;
 pub mod state;
 pub mod actions;
 pub mod apply_item;
@@ -12,10 +6,4 @@ use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, derive_more::Display)]
 pub struct ClientItemId(pub u32);
-// TODO: remove these and fix use statements in the rest of the codebase
-pub use inventory::*;
-pub use floor::*;
-pub use bank::*;
-pub use manager::*;
diff --git a/src/ship/items/transaction.rs b/src/ship/items/transaction.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0d0a9..0000000
--- a/src/ship/items/transaction.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-use crate::entity::gateway::EntityGateway;
-use thiserror::Error;
-use crate::ship::items::manager::{ItemManager, ItemManagerError};
-use crate::entity::gateway::GatewayError;
-#[derive(Error, Debug)]
-pub enum TransactionCommitError {
-    #[error("transaction commit gateway error {0}")]
-    Gateway(#[from] GatewayError),
-    #[error("transaction commit itemmanager error {0}")]
-    ItemManager(#[from] ItemManagerError),
-pub trait ItemAction<EG: EntityGateway>: std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + std::fmt::Debug {
-    async fn commit(&self, manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<(), TransactionCommitError>;
-pub struct ItemTransactionActions<'a, EG: EntityGateway> {
-    action_queue: Vec<Box<dyn ItemAction<EG>>>,
-    pub manager: &'a ItemManager,
-impl<'a, EG: EntityGateway> ItemTransactionActions<'a, EG> {
-    fn new(manager: &'a ItemManager) -> ItemTransactionActions<'a, EG> {
-        ItemTransactionActions {
-            action_queue: Vec::new(),
-            manager
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn action(&mut self, action: Box<dyn ItemAction<EG>>) {
-        self.action_queue.push(action)
-    }
-pub struct ItemTransaction<'a, T, EG: EntityGateway> {
-    data: T,
-    actions: ItemTransactionActions<'a, EG>,
-impl<'a, T, EG: EntityGateway> ItemTransaction<'a, T, EG> {
-    pub fn new(manager: &'a ItemManager, arg: T) -> ItemTransaction<'a, T, EG> {
-        ItemTransaction {
-            data: arg,
-            actions: ItemTransactionActions::new(manager),
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn act<E: std::fmt::Debug, U>(mut self, action: fn(&mut ItemTransactionActions<EG>, &T) -> Result<U, E>) -> FinalizedItemTransaction<U, E, EG> {
-        match action(&mut self.actions, &self.data) {
-            Ok(k) => {
-                FinalizedItemTransaction {
-                    value: Ok(k),
-                    action_queue: self.actions.action_queue,
-                }
-            },
-            Err(err) => {
-                FinalizedItemTransaction {
-                    value: Err(err),
-                    action_queue: Vec::new(),
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#[derive(Error, Debug)]
-pub enum TransactionError<E: std::fmt::Debug> {
-    #[error("transaction action error {0:?}")]
-    Action(E),
-    #[error("transaction commit error {0}")]
-    Commit(#[from] TransactionCommitError),
-// this only exists to drop the ItemManager borrow of ItemTransaction so a mutable ItemTransaction can be passed in later
-pub struct FinalizedItemTransaction<T, E: std::fmt::Debug, EG: EntityGateway> {
-    value: Result<T, E>,
-    action_queue: Vec<Box<dyn ItemAction<EG>>>,
-impl<T, E: std::fmt::Debug, EG: EntityGateway> FinalizedItemTransaction<T, E, EG> {
-    pub async fn commit(self, item_manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<T, TransactionError<E>> {
-        match self.value {
-            Ok(value) => {
-                for action in self.action_queue.into_iter() {
-                    // TODO: better handle rolling back if this ever errors out
-                    action.commit(item_manager, entity_gateway).await.map_err(|err| TransactionError::Commit(err))?;
-                }
-                Ok(value)
-            },
-            Err(err) => Err(TransactionError::Action(err)),
-        }
-    }
-mod test {
-    use super::*;
-    use crate::entity::account::{UserAccountId, NewUserAccountEntity, UserAccountEntity};
-    use crate::entity::character::{NewCharacterEntity, CharacterEntity};
-    use crate::entity::gateway::GatewayError;
-    use thiserror::Error;
-    #[async_std::test]
-    async fn test_item_transaction() {
-        #[derive(Debug)]
-        struct DummyAction1 {
-            name: String,
-        }
-        #[derive(Debug)]
-        struct DummyAction2 {
-            value: u32,
-        }
-        #[derive(Error, Debug)]
-        #[error("")]
-        enum DummyError {
-            Error
-        }
-        #[derive(Default, Clone)]
-        struct DummyGateway {
-            d1_set: String,
-            d2_inc: u32,
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl EntityGateway for DummyGateway {
-            async fn create_user(&mut self, user: NewUserAccountEntity) -> Result<UserAccountEntity, GatewayError> {
-                self.d1_set = user.username;
-                Ok(UserAccountEntity::default())
-            }
-            async fn create_character(&mut self, char: NewCharacterEntity) -> Result<CharacterEntity, GatewayError> {
-                self.d2_inc += char.slot;
-                Ok(CharacterEntity::default())
-            }
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl<EG: EntityGateway> ItemAction<EG> for DummyAction1 {
-            async fn commit(&self, item_manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<(), TransactionCommitError> {
-                item_manager.id_counter = 55555;
-                entity_gateway.create_user(NewUserAccountEntity {
-                    username: self.name.clone(),
-                    ..NewUserAccountEntity::default()
-                })
-                    .await?;
-                Ok(())
-            }
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl<EG: EntityGateway> ItemAction<EG> for DummyAction2 {
-            async fn commit(&self, item_manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<(), TransactionCommitError> {
-                item_manager.id_counter += self.value;
-                entity_gateway.create_character(NewCharacterEntity {
-                    slot: self.value,
-                    ..NewCharacterEntity::new(UserAccountId(0), 1) // TODO: handle different keyboard_config_presets
-                })
-                    .await?;
-                Ok(())
-            }
-        }
-        let mut item_manager = ItemManager::default();
-        let mut entity_gateway = DummyGateway::default();
-        let result = ItemTransaction::new(&item_manager, 12)
-            .act(|it, k| {
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction1 {name: "asdf".into()}));
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction2 {value: 11}));
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction2 {value: *k}));
-                if *k == 99 {
-                    return Err(DummyError::Error)
-                }
-                Ok(String::from("hello"))
-            })
-            .commit(&mut item_manager, &mut entity_gateway)
-            .await;
-        assert!(entity_gateway.d1_set == "asdf");
-        assert!(entity_gateway.d2_inc == 23);
-        assert!(item_manager.id_counter == 55578);
-        assert!(result.unwrap() == "hello");
-    }
-    #[async_std::test]
-    async fn test_item_transaction_with_action_error() {
-        #[derive(Debug)]
-        struct DummyAction1 {
-        }
-        #[derive(Debug)]
-        struct DummyAction2 {
-        }
-        #[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-        #[error("")]
-        enum DummyError {
-            Error
-        }
-        #[derive(Default, Clone)]
-        struct DummyGateway {
-            _d1_set: String,
-            d2_inc: u32,
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl EntityGateway for DummyGateway {
-            async fn create_character(&mut self, char: NewCharacterEntity) -> Result<CharacterEntity, GatewayError> {
-                self.d2_inc += char.slot;
-                Ok(CharacterEntity::default())
-            }
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl<EG: EntityGateway> ItemAction<EG> for DummyAction1 {
-            async fn commit(&self, _item_manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<(), TransactionCommitError> {
-                entity_gateway.create_character(NewCharacterEntity {
-                    slot: 1,
-                    ..NewCharacterEntity::new(UserAccountId(0), 1) // TODO: handle different keyboard_config_presets
-                })
-                    .await?;
-                Ok(())
-            }
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl<EG: EntityGateway> ItemAction<EG> for DummyAction2 {
-            async fn commit(&self, _item_manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<(), TransactionCommitError> {
-                entity_gateway.create_character(NewCharacterEntity {
-                    slot: 1,
-                    ..NewCharacterEntity::new(UserAccountId(0), 1) // TODO: handle different keyboard_config_presets
-                })
-                    .await?;
-                Ok(())
-            }
-        }
-        let mut item_manager = ItemManager::default();
-        let mut entity_gateway = DummyGateway::default();
-        let result = ItemTransaction::new(&item_manager, 12)
-            .act(|it, _| -> Result<(), _> {
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction1 {}));
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction2 {}));
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction2 {}));
-                Err(DummyError::Error)
-            })
-            .commit(&mut item_manager, &mut entity_gateway)
-            .await;
-        assert!(entity_gateway.d2_inc == 0);
-        assert!(matches!(result, Err(TransactionError::Action(DummyError::Error))));
-    }
-    #[async_std::test]
-    async fn test_item_transaction_with_commit_error() {
-        #[derive(Debug)]
-        struct DummyAction1 {
-        }
-        #[derive(Debug)]
-        struct DummyAction2 {
-        }
-        #[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-        #[error("")]
-        enum DummyError {
-        }
-        #[derive(Default, Clone)]
-        struct DummyGateway {
-            _d1_set: String,
-            d2_inc: u32,
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl EntityGateway for DummyGateway {
-            async fn create_character(&mut self, char: NewCharacterEntity) -> Result<CharacterEntity, GatewayError> {
-                self.d2_inc += char.slot;
-                Ok(CharacterEntity::default())
-            }
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl<EG: EntityGateway> ItemAction<EG> for DummyAction1 {
-            async fn commit(&self, _item_manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<(), TransactionCommitError> {
-                entity_gateway.create_character(NewCharacterEntity {
-                    slot: 1,
-                    ..NewCharacterEntity::new(UserAccountId(0), 1) // TODO: handle different keyboard_config_presets
-                })
-                    .await?;
-                Err(GatewayError::Error.into())
-            }
-        }
-        #[async_trait::async_trait]
-        impl<EG: EntityGateway> ItemAction<EG> for DummyAction2 {
-            async fn commit(&self, _item_manager: &mut ItemManager, entity_gateway: &mut EG) -> Result<(), TransactionCommitError> {
-                entity_gateway.create_character(NewCharacterEntity {
-                    slot: 1,
-                    ..NewCharacterEntity::new(UserAccountId(0), 1) // TODO: handle different keyboard_config_presets
-                })
-                    .await?;
-                Ok(())
-            }
-        }
-        let mut item_manager = ItemManager::default();
-        let mut entity_gateway = DummyGateway::default();
-        let result = ItemTransaction::new(&item_manager, 12)
-            .act(|it, _| -> Result<_, DummyError> {
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction1 {}));
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction2 {}));
-                it.action(Box::new(DummyAction2 {}));
-                Ok(())
-            })
-            .commit(&mut item_manager, &mut entity_gateway)
-            .await;
-        // in an ideal world this would be 0 as rollbacks would occur
-        assert!(entity_gateway.d2_inc == 1);
-        assert!(matches!(result, Err(TransactionError::Commit(TransactionCommitError::Gateway(GatewayError::Error)))));
-    }
diff --git a/src/ship/items/use_tool.rs b/src/ship/items/use_tool.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6440b84..0000000
--- a/src/ship/items/use_tool.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-use thiserror::Error;
-use crate::entity::gateway::EntityGateway;
-use crate::entity::character::CharacterEntity;
-use crate::entity::item::mag::MagCell;
-use crate::ship::items::{CharacterInventory, ConsumedItem};
-#[derive(Error, Debug)]
-pub enum UseItemError {
-    NoCharacter,
-    ItemNotEquipped,
-    InvalidItem,
-pub async fn power_material<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &mut CharacterEntity) {
-    character.materials.power += 1;
-    entity_gateway.save_character(character).await.unwrap();
-pub async fn mind_material<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &mut CharacterEntity) {
-    character.materials.mind += 1;
-    entity_gateway.save_character(character).await.unwrap();
-pub async fn evade_material<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &mut CharacterEntity) {
-    character.materials.evade += 1;
-    entity_gateway.save_character(character).await.unwrap();
-pub async fn def_material<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &mut CharacterEntity) {
-    character.materials.def += 1;
-    entity_gateway.save_character(character).await.unwrap();
-pub async fn luck_material<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &mut CharacterEntity) {
-    character.materials.luck += 1;
-    entity_gateway.save_character(character).await.unwrap();
-pub async fn hp_material<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &mut CharacterEntity) {
-    character.materials.hp += 1;
-    entity_gateway.save_character(character).await.unwrap();
-pub async fn tp_material<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &mut CharacterEntity) {
-    character.materials.tp += 1;
-    entity_gateway.save_character(character).await.unwrap();
-async fn mag_cell<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory, mag_cell_type: MagCell) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    let mut mag_handle = inventory.get_equipped_mag_handle().ok_or(UseItemError::ItemNotEquipped)?;
-    let mag_item = mag_handle.item_mut()
-        .ok_or(UseItemError::InvalidItem)?;
-    let actual_mag = mag_item
-        .individual_mut()
-        .ok_or(UseItemError::InvalidItem)?
-        .mag_mut()
-        .ok_or(UseItemError::InvalidItem)?;
-    actual_mag.apply_mag_cell(mag_cell_type);
-    for mag_entity_id in mag_item.entity_ids() {
-        for cell_entity_id in used_cell.entity_ids() {
-            entity_gateway.use_mag_cell(&mag_entity_id, &cell_entity_id).await.unwrap();
-        }
-    }
-    Ok(())
-pub async fn cell_of_mag_502<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::CellOfMag502).await
-pub async fn cell_of_mag_213<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::CellOfMag213).await
-pub async fn parts_of_robochao<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::PartsOfRobochao).await
-pub async fn heart_of_opaopa<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::HeartOfOpaOpa).await
-pub async fn heart_of_pian<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::HeartOfPian).await
-pub async fn heart_of_chao<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::HeartOfChao).await
-pub async fn heart_of_angel<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::HeartOfAngel).await
-pub async fn kit_of_hamburger<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::KitOfHamburger).await
-pub async fn panthers_spirit<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::PanthersSpirit).await
-pub async fn kit_of_mark3<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::KitOfMark3).await
-pub async fn kit_of_master_system<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::KitOfMasterSystem).await
-pub async fn kit_of_genesis<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::KitOfGenesis).await
-pub async fn kit_of_sega_saturn<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::KitOfSegaSaturn).await
-pub async fn kit_of_dreamcast<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::KitOfDreamcast).await
-pub async fn tablet<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::Tablet).await
-pub async fn dragon_scale<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::DragonScale).await
-pub async fn heaven_striker_coat<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::HeavenStrikerCoat).await
-pub async fn pioneer_parts<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::PioneerParts).await
-pub async fn amities_memo<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::AmitiesMemo).await
-pub async fn heart_of_morolian<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::HeartOfMorolian).await
-pub async fn rappys_beak<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::RappysBeak).await
-pub async fn yahoos_engine<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::YahoosEngine).await
-pub async fn d_photon_core<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::DPhotonCore).await
-pub async fn liberta_kit<EG: EntityGateway>(entity_gateway: &mut EG, used_cell: &ConsumedItem, inventory: &mut CharacterInventory) -> Result<(), UseItemError> {
-    mag_cell(entity_gateway, used_cell, inventory, MagCell::LibertaKit).await
diff --git a/src/ship/packet/builder/lobby.rs b/src/ship/packet/builder/lobby.rs
index aefe96f..13c9dd5 100644
--- a/src/ship/packet/builder/lobby.rs
+++ b/src/ship/packet/builder/lobby.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ use crate::ship::ship::{ShipError, Clients};
 use crate::ship::location::{ClientLocation, LobbyId, ClientLocationError};
 use crate::ship::packet::builder::{player_info};
 use crate::ship::items::state::ItemState;
-use crate::ship::items::ItemManager;
 pub fn join_lobby(id: ClientId,
diff --git a/src/ship/packet/builder/message.rs b/src/ship/packet/builder/message.rs
index 827aec9..fb135f7 100644
--- a/src/ship/packet/builder/message.rs
+++ b/src/ship/packet/builder/message.rs
@@ -3,16 +3,14 @@ use libpso::packet::ship::*;
 use crate::entity::item;
 use crate::common::leveltable::CharacterStats;
 use crate::ship::ship::{ShipError};
-use crate::ship::items::{ClientItemId, InventoryItem, StackedFloorItem, FloorItem, CharacterBank};
-use crate::ship::items::state::FloorItem as FloorItem2;
-use crate::ship::items::state::InventoryItem as InventoryItem2;
-use crate::ship::items::state::{BankState, IndividualItemDetail};
+use crate::ship::items::ClientItemId;
+use crate::ship::items::state::{InventoryItem, FloorItem, BankState, IndividualItemDetail};
 use crate::ship::location::AreaClient;
 use std::convert::TryInto;
 use crate::ship::shops::ShopItem;
-pub fn item_drop(client: u8, target: u8, item_drop: &FloorItem2) -> Result<ItemDrop, ShipError> {
+pub fn item_drop(client: u8, target: u8, item_drop: &FloorItem) -> Result<ItemDrop, ShipError> {
     let item_bytes = item_drop.as_client_bytes();
     Ok(ItemDrop {
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ pub fn create_meseta(area_client: AreaClient, amount: usize) -> CreateItem {
-pub fn create_withdrawn_inventory_item(area_client: AreaClient, item: &InventoryItem2) -> Result<CreateItem, ShipError> {
+pub fn create_withdrawn_inventory_item(area_client: AreaClient, item: &InventoryItem) -> Result<CreateItem, ShipError> {
     let bytes = item.item.as_client_bytes();
     Ok(CreateItem {
         client: area_client.local_client.id(),
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ pub fn create_withdrawn_inventory_item(area_client: AreaClient, item: &Inventory
-pub fn create_withdrawn_inventory_item2(area_client: AreaClient, item: &InventoryItem2) -> Result<CreateItem, ShipError> {
+pub fn create_withdrawn_inventory_item2(area_client: AreaClient, item: &InventoryItem) -> Result<CreateItem, ShipError> {
     let bytes = item.item.as_client_bytes();
     Ok(CreateItem {
         client: area_client.local_client.id(),
@@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ pub fn create_withdrawn_inventory_item2(area_client: AreaClient, item: &Inventor
-pub fn remove_item_from_floor(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem2) -> Result<RemoveItemFromFloor, ShipError> {
+pub fn remove_item_from_floor(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem) -> Result<RemoveItemFromFloor, ShipError> {
     Ok(RemoveItemFromFloor {
         client: area_client.local_client.id(),
         target: 0,
@@ -104,7 +102,7 @@ pub fn remove_item_from_floor(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem2) -> Res
-pub fn drop_split_stack(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem2) -> Result<DropSplitStack, ShipError> {
+pub fn drop_split_stack(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem) -> Result<DropSplitStack, ShipError> {
     let item_bytes = item.as_client_bytes();
     Ok(DropSplitStack {
         client: area_client.local_client.id(),
@@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ pub fn drop_split_stack(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem2) -> Result<Dr
-pub fn drop_split_meseta_stack(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem2) -> Result<DropSplitStack, ShipError> {
+pub fn drop_split_meseta_stack(area_client: AreaClient, item: &FloorItem) -> Result<DropSplitStack, ShipError> {
     let item_bytes = item.as_client_bytes();
     Ok(DropSplitStack {
         client: area_client.local_client.id(),
diff --git a/src/ship/packet/builder/room.rs b/src/ship/packet/builder/room.rs
index a97d8b8..29dc0f2 100644
--- a/src/ship/packet/builder/room.rs
+++ b/src/ship/packet/builder/room.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ use crate::ship::ship::{ShipError, ClientState, Clients};
 use crate::ship::location::{ClientLocation, RoomId, AreaClient, ClientLocationError};
 use crate::ship::room::RoomState;
 use crate::ship::items::state::ItemState;
-use crate::ship::items::ItemManager;
 use crate::ship::packet::builder::{player_header, player_info};
 use std::convert::TryInto;
diff --git a/src/ship/packet/handler/direct_message.rs b/src/ship/packet/handler/direct_message.rs
index e5df411..79ed06d 100644
--- a/src/ship/packet/handler/direct_message.rs
+++ b/src/ship/packet/handler/direct_message.rs
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ use crate::common::serverstate::ClientId;
 use crate::ship::ship::{SendShipPacket, ShipError, Clients, Rooms, ItemShops};
 use crate::ship::location::{ClientLocation, ClientLocationError};
 use crate::ship::drops::ItemDrop;
-use crate::ship::items::{ItemManager, ItemManagerError, ClientItemId, FloorItem};
+use crate::ship::items::ClientItemId;
 use crate::entity::gateway::EntityGateway;
 use crate::entity::item;
 use libpso::utf8_to_utf16_array;
 use crate::ship::packet::builder;
 use crate::ship::shops::{ShopItem, ToolShopItem, ArmorShopItem};
-use crate::ship::items::state::{ItemState, FloorType, FloorItemDetail};
+use crate::ship::items::state::{ItemState, ItemStateError, FloorType, FloorItemDetail};
 use crate::ship::items::actions::{pick_up_item, withdraw_meseta, deposit_meseta, withdraw_item, deposit_item, buy_shop_item, enemy_drops_item, take_meseta, apply_modifier, TriggerCreateItem};
 const BANK_ACTION_DEPOSIT: u8 = 0;
@@ -431,11 +431,11 @@ where
     let inventory = item_state.get_character_inventory(&client.character)?;
     let item = inventory.get_by_client_id(&ClientItemId(tek_request.item_id))
-        .ok_or(ItemManagerError::WrongItemType(ClientItemId(tek_request.item_id)))?;
+        .ok_or(ItemStateError::WrongItemType(ClientItemId(tek_request.item_id)))?;
     let mut weapon = item.item.as_individual()
-        .ok_or(ItemManagerError::WrongItemType(ClientItemId(tek_request.item_id)))?
+        .ok_or(ItemStateError::WrongItemType(ClientItemId(tek_request.item_id)))?
-        .ok_or(ItemManagerError::WrongItemType(ClientItemId(tek_request.item_id)))?
+        .ok_or(ItemStateError::WrongItemType(ClientItemId(tek_request.item_id)))?
     weapon.apply_modifier(&item::weapon::WeaponModifier::Tekked {
diff --git a/src/ship/ship.rs b/src/ship/ship.rs
index 55048d3..e886b1b 100644
--- a/src/ship/ship.rs
+++ b/src/ship/ship.rs
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ pub enum ShipError {
     ItemError, // TODO: refine this
-    ItemManagerError(#[from] items::ItemManagerError),
     ItemStateError(#[from] items::state::ItemStateError),
@@ -406,7 +405,6 @@ impl<EG: EntityGateway> ShipServerStateBuilder<EG> {
             clients: HashMap::new(),
             level_table: CharacterLevelTable::default(),
             name: self.name.unwrap_or_else(|| "NAMENOTSET".into()),
-            item_manager: items::ItemManager::default(),
             item_state: items::state::ItemState::default(),
             ip: self.ip.unwrap_or_else(|| Ipv4Addr::new(127,0,0,1)),
             port: self.port.unwrap_or(SHIP_PORT),
@@ -451,7 +449,6 @@ pub struct ShipServerState<EG: EntityGateway> {
     pub clients: Clients,
     level_table: CharacterLevelTable,
     name: String,
-    item_manager: items::ItemManager,
     item_state: items::state::ItemState,
     shops: Box<ItemShops>,
     pub blocks: Blocks,
diff --git a/tests/test_shops.rs b/tests/test_shops.rs
index fa6da02..c127c09 100644
--- a/tests/test_shops.rs
+++ b/tests/test_shops.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ use elseware::entity::gateway::{EntityGateway, InMemoryGateway};
 use elseware::entity::item;
 use elseware::ship::ship::{ShipServerState, RecvShipPacket, SendShipPacket};
 use elseware::ship::room::Difficulty;
-use elseware::ship::items::manager::ItemManagerError;
 use elseware::ship::items::state::ItemStateError;
 use libpso::packet::ship::*;
diff --git a/tests/test_trade.rs b/tests/test_trade.rs
index 1da0049..8e35222 100644
--- a/tests/test_trade.rs
+++ b/tests/test_trade.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ use elseware::entity::gateway::{EntityGateway, InMemoryGateway};
 use elseware::entity::item;
 use elseware::ship::ship::{ShipServerState, RecvShipPacket, SendShipPacket, ShipError};
 use elseware::entity::item::{Meseta, ItemEntity};
-use elseware::ship::items::transaction::TransactionError;
 use elseware::ship::packet::handler::trade::TradeError;
 use elseware::ship::items::state::{ItemStateError, InventoryError};