@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ |
use std::collections::HashMap;
use libpso::character::character::InventoryItem;
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap};
use libpso::character::character;//::InventoryItem;
use crate::entity::gateway::EntityGateway;
use crate::entity::gateway::EntityGateway;
use crate::entity::character::CharacterEntity;
use crate::entity::character::CharacterEntity;
use crate::entity::item::{ItemEntity, ItemDetail, ItemLocation};
use crate::entity::item::{ItemEntityId, ItemEntity, ItemDetail, ItemLocation};
use crate::entity::item::{Meseta, NewItemEntity};
use crate::entity::item::{Meseta, NewItemEntity};
use crate::entity::item::tool::Tool;
use crate::ship::map::MapArea;
use crate::ship::map::MapArea;
use crate::ship::drops::{ItemDrop, ItemDropType};
use crate::ship::drops::{ItemDrop, ItemDropType};
use crate::ship::ship::ShipError;
use crate::ship::ship::ClientState;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum ItemInstance {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ActiveItemId(pub u32);
pub struct ActiveItemId(pub u32);
enum ActiveItemEntityId {
pub struct ActiveItem {
pub id: ActiveItemId,
item: ItemInstance,
enum HeldItemType {
Stacked(Tool, usize),
impl ActiveItem {
impl HeldItemType {
pub fn as_client_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
pub fn as_client_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
match &self.item {
ItemInstance::Individual(i) => {
match &i.item {
match self {
HeldItemType::Individual(item) => {
match &item {
ItemDetail::Weapon(w) => w.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Weapon(w) => w.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Armor(a) => a.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Armor(a) => a.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Shield(s) => s.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Shield(s) => s.as_bytes(),
@ -41,328 +41,278 @@ impl ActiveItem { |
ItemDetail::Mag(m) => m.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Mag(m) => m.as_bytes(),
ItemInstance::Stacked(i) => {
let len = i.len();
match &i[0].item {
ItemDetail::Tool(t) => t.as_stacked_bytes(len),
_ => panic!(),
HeldItemType::Stacked(tool, count) => {
ItemInstance::Meseta(m) => {
pub struct ActiveInventory(Vec<ActiveItem>);
impl ActiveInventory {
pub fn as_client_inventory_items(&self) -> [InventoryItem; 30] {
.fold([InventoryItem::default(); 30], |mut inventory, (index, item)| {
let bytes = item.as_client_bytes();
inventory[index].item_id = item.id.0;
pub struct InventoryItem {
id: ActiveItemId,
item: HeldItemType,
//slot: usize,
equipped: bool,
// does this do anything?
inventory[index].equipped = match item.item {
ItemInstance::Individual(ItemEntity {location: ItemLocation::Inventory{ equipped: true, ..}, ..}) => 1,
_ => 0,
// because this actually equips the item
inventory[index].flags |= match item.item {
ItemInstance::Individual(ItemEntity {location: ItemLocation::Inventory{ equipped: true, ..}, ..}) => 8,
_ => 0,
pub struct BankItem {
id: ActiveItemId,
item: HeldItemType,
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
pub enum FloorItemType {
Stacked(Tool, usize),
fn inventory_item_index(item: &ItemInstance) -> usize {
match item {
ItemInstance::Individual(i) => {
match i.location {
ItemLocation::Inventory{index, ..} => index,
_ => panic!()
ItemInstance::Stacked(i) => {
match i[0].location {
ItemLocation::Inventory{index, ..} => index,
_ => panic!()
impl FloorItemType {
pub fn as_client_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
match self {
FloorItemType::Individual(item) => {
match &item {
ItemDetail::Weapon(w) => w.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Armor(a) => a.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Shield(s) => s.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Unit(u) => u.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Tool(t) => t.as_individual_bytes(),
ItemDetail::TechniqueDisk(d) => d.as_bytes(),
ItemDetail::Mag(m) => m.as_bytes(),
FloorItemType::Stacked(tool, count) => {
FloorItemType::Meseta(m) => {
_ => panic!(),
pub struct ActiveItemOnFloor {
pub struct FloorItem {
pub id: ActiveItemId,
pub item: FloorItemType,
pub map_area: MapArea,
pub map_area: MapArea,
pub x: f32,
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub z: f32,
pub z: f32,
pub item: ActiveItem,
fn stack_items(items: Vec<ItemEntity>) -> Vec<ItemInstance> {
let mut stacks = HashMap::new();
pub enum InventoryError {
pub struct CharacterInventory(Vec<InventoryItem>);
impl CharacterInventory {
pub fn as_client_inventory_items(&self) -> [character::InventoryItem; 30] {
.fold([character::InventoryItem::default(); 30], |mut inventory, (slot, item)| {
let bytes = item.item.as_client_bytes();
inventory[slot].item_id = item.id.0;
// does this do anything?
inventory[slot].equipped = if item.equipped { 1 } else { 0 };
// because this actually equips the item
inventory[slot].flags |= if item.equipped { 8 } else { 0 };
for item in items {
pub fn add_item(&mut self, item: InventoryItem) -> Result<usize, InventoryError> {
Ok(self.count() - 1)
.map(|(_, items)| {
match items[0].item.is_stackable() {
true => {
false => {
items.into_iter().map(|i| {
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
struct ActiveBank([Option<ActiveItemId>; 200]);
pub struct ActiveItemDatabase {
id: u32,
pub enum ItemManagerError {
pub struct ItemManager {
id: usize,
active_to_entity: HashMap<ActiveItemId, ActiveItemEntityId>,
impl ActiveItemDatabase {
pub fn new() -> ActiveItemDatabase {
ActiveItemDatabase {
impl ItemManager {
pub fn new() -> ItemManager {
ItemManager {
id: 0,
id: 0,
active_to_entity: HashMap::new()
fn activate_item(&mut self, item: ItemInstance) -> ActiveItem {
fn next_id(&mut self) -> ActiveItemId {
self.id += 1;
self.id += 1;
ActiveItem {
id: ActiveItemId(self.id),
item: item,
ActiveItemId(self.id as u32)
// TODO: deactivate item
pub fn get_character_inventory<EG: EntityGateway>(&mut self, entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &CharacterEntity) -> ActiveInventory {
pub fn get_character_inventory<EG: EntityGateway>(&mut self, entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &CharacterEntity) -> CharacterInventory {
let items = entity_gateway.get_items_by_character(&character);
let items = entity_gateway.get_items_by_character(&character);
let inventory_items = items.into_iter()
let inventory_items = items.into_iter()
.filter(|item| {
.filter_map(|item| {
match item.location {
match item.location {
ItemLocation::Inventory{..} => true,
_ => false,
ItemLocation::Inventory{slot, equipped, ..} => Some((item.id, item.item, slot, equipped)),
_ => None,
.fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut acc, (id, item, slot, equipped)| {
if item.is_stackable() {
if let ItemDetail::Tool(tool) = item {
let stacked = acc.entry(slot).or_insert((HeldItemType::Stacked(tool, 0), ActiveItemEntityId::Stacked(Vec::new()), false));
if let HeldItemType::Stacked(_, ref mut item_count) = stacked.0 {
*item_count += 1;
if let ActiveItemEntityId::Stacked(ref mut id_list) = stacked.1 {
else {
acc.insert(slot, (HeldItemType::Individual(item), ActiveItemEntityId::Individual(id), equipped));
let mut stacked = stack_items(inventory_items);
stacked.sort_by(|a, b| {
let activated = stacked.into_iter().map(|i| self.activate_item(i));
pub fn activate_item_drop<EG: EntityGateway>(&mut self, entity_gateway: &mut EG, item_drop: ItemDrop) -> Result<ActiveItemOnFloor, ShipError> {
let item_detail = match item_drop.item {
ItemDropType::Weapon(w) => Some(ItemDetail::Weapon(w)),
ItemDropType::Armor(w) => Some(ItemDetail::Armor(w)),
ItemDropType::Shield(w) => Some(ItemDetail::Shield(w)),
ItemDropType::Unit(w) => Some(ItemDetail::Unit(w)),
ItemDropType::Tool(w) => Some(ItemDetail::Tool(w)),
ItemDropType::TechniqueDisk(w) => Some(ItemDetail::TechniqueDisk(w)),
ItemDropType::Mag(w) => Some(ItemDetail::Mag(w)),
ItemDropType::Meseta(_) => None
.map(|(_slot, (held_item, entity_id, equipped))| {
let id = self.next_id();
self.active_to_entity.insert(id, entity_id);
InventoryItem {
id: id,
item: held_item,
equipped: equipped,
pub fn drop_item_on_local_floor<EG: EntityGateway>(&mut self, entity_gateway: &mut EG, character: &CharacterEntity, item_drop: ItemDrop) -> Result<FloorItem, ItemManagerError> {
let item = match item_drop.item {
ItemDropType::Weapon(w) => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::Weapon(w)),
ItemDropType::Armor(w) => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::Armor(w)),
ItemDropType::Shield(w) => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::Shield(w)),
ItemDropType::Unit(w) => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::Unit(w)),
ItemDropType::TechniqueDisk(w) => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::TechniqueDisk(w)),
ItemDropType::Mag(w) => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::Mag(w)),
ItemDropType::Tool(w) => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::Tool(w)),
//ItemDropType::Tool(t) if t.is_stackable() => FloorItemType::Stacked(t, ),
//ItemDropType::Tool(t) if !t.is_stackable() => FloorItemType::Individual(ItemDetail::Tool(w)),
ItemDropType::Meseta(m) => FloorItemType::Meseta(Meseta(m))
let item_instance = match item_detail {
Some(item) => {
let item_entity = entity_gateway.create_item(NewItemEntity {
item: item,
location: ItemLocation::Floor {
let active_entity_ids = match &item {
FloorItemType::Individual(i) => {
let entity = entity_gateway.create_item(NewItemEntity {
item: i.clone(),
location: ItemLocation::LocalFloor {
character_id: character.id,
map_area: item_drop.map_area,
map_area: item_drop.map_area,
x: item_drop.x,
x: item_drop.x,
y: item_drop.y,
y: item_drop.y,
z: item_drop.z,
z: item_drop.z,
None => {
let meseta = match item_drop.item {
ItemDropType::Meseta(m) => m,
_ => panic!(),
FloorItemType::Stacked(tool, count) => {
let entities = (0..*count).map(|_| {
entity_gateway.create_item(NewItemEntity {
item: ItemDetail::Tool(*tool),
location: ItemLocation::LocalFloor {
character_id: character.id,
map_area: item_drop.map_area,
x: item_drop.x,
y: item_drop.y,
z: item_drop.z,
.map(|entity| -> Result<ItemEntityId, ItemManagerError> {
let e = entity.ok_or(ItemManagerError::EntityGatewayError)?;
ActiveItemEntityId::Stacked(entities.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?)
FloorItemType::Meseta(m) => ActiveItemEntityId::Meseta(m.clone()),
let active_item = self.activate_item(item_instance);
Ok(ActiveItemOnFloor {
let id = self.next_id();
self.active_to_entity.insert(id, active_entity_ids);
Ok(FloorItem {
id: id,
item: item,
map_area: item_drop.map_area,
map_area: item_drop.map_area,
x: item_drop.x,
x: item_drop.x,
y: item_drop.y,
y: item_drop.y,
z: item_drop.z,
z: item_drop.z,
item: active_item,
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::entity::character::CharacterEntityId;
use crate::entity::item;
use crate::entity::item::{ItemEntity, ItemDetail, ItemEntityId, ItemLocation};
use crate::entity::item::tool::Tool;
fn test_stack_items() {
let item1 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(1),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 0,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Weapon(item::weapon::Weapon {
weapon: item::weapon::WeaponType::Saber,
grind: 0,
special: None,
attrs: [None; 3],
tekked: true,
let item2 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(2),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 1,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Tool(Tool {
tool: item::tool::ToolType::Monofluid,
let item3 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(3),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 2,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Weapon(item::weapon::Weapon {
weapon: item::weapon::WeaponType::Handgun,
grind: 12,
special: None,
attrs: [None; 3],
tekked: true,
let item4 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(4),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 1,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Tool(Tool {
tool: item::tool::ToolType::Monofluid,
let item5 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(5),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 1,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Tool(Tool {
tool: item::tool::ToolType::Monofluid,
let item6 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(6),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 3,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Weapon(item::weapon::Weapon {
weapon: item::weapon::WeaponType::Handgun,
grind: 12,
special: None,
attrs: [None; 3],
tekked: true,
let item7 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(7),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 4,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Tool(Tool {
tool: item::tool::ToolType::Monomate,
let item8 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(8),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 4,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Tool(Tool {
tool: item::tool::ToolType::Monomate,
let item9 = ItemEntity {
id: ItemEntityId(9),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: CharacterEntityId(0),
index: 4,
equipped: false,
item: ItemDetail::Tool(Tool {
tool: item::tool::ToolType::Monomate,
let item_vec = vec![item1.clone(), item2.clone(), item3.clone(), item4.clone(), item5.clone(), item6.clone(), item7.clone(), item8.clone(), item9.clone()];
let stacked = stack_items(item_vec);
assert!(stacked.len() == 5);
assert!(stacked.iter().filter(|k| {
**k == ItemInstance::Individual(item6.clone())
}).count() == 1);
assert!(stacked.iter().filter(|k| {
**k == ItemInstance::Individual(item3.clone())
}).count() == 1);
pub fn move_item_from_floor_to_inventory<EG: EntityGateway>(&mut self, entity_gateway: &mut EG, client: &mut ClientState, floor_item: FloorItem) -> Result<(), ItemManagerError> {
match floor_item.item {
FloorItemType::Individual(item) => {
let inventory_item = InventoryItem {
id: floor_item.id,
item: HeldItemType::Individual(item.clone()),
equipped: false,
assert!(stacked.iter().filter(|k| {
**k == ItemInstance::Individual(item1.clone())
}).count() == 1);
let item_entity_id = self.active_to_entity.get(&floor_item.id).unwrap(); // TODO: unwrap
if let ActiveItemEntityId::Individual(item_id) = item_entity_id {
let slot = client.inventory.add_item(inventory_item).unwrap(); // TODO: unwrap
entity_gateway.save_item(&ItemEntity {
id: *item_id,
item: item,
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: client.character.id,
slot: slot,
equipped: false,
}); // TODO: error check
} // else something went very wrong TODO: log it
FloorItemType::Stacked(tool, usize) => {
let inventory_item = InventoryItem {
id: floor_item.id,
item: HeldItemType::Stacked(tool, usize),
equipped: false,
assert!(stacked.iter().filter(|k| {
**k == ItemInstance::Stacked(vec![item2.clone(), item4.clone(), item5.clone()])
}).count() == 1);
let item_entity_id = self.active_to_entity.get(&floor_item.id).unwrap(); // TODO: unwrap
if let ActiveItemEntityId::Stacked(item_ids) = item_entity_id {
let slot = client.inventory.add_item(inventory_item).unwrap(); // TODO: unwrap
for item_id in item_ids {
entity_gateway.save_item(&ItemEntity {
id: *item_id,
item: ItemDetail::Tool(tool),
location: ItemLocation::Inventory {
character_id: client.character.id,
slot: slot,
equipped: false,
}); // TODO: error check
} // else something went very wrong TODO: log it
FloorItemType::Meseta(meseta) => {
client.character.meseta += meseta.0;
assert!(stacked.iter().filter(|k| {
**k == ItemInstance::Stacked(vec![item7.clone(), item8.clone(), item9.clone()])
}).count() == 1);